
Natural silk tussor: 14,5cm x 14,5cm.
Anilines and gold foil.
“…miniatures summoning immense spaces, projecting towards infinity. Like medieval miniature books, these maps spread symbols, crosses and circles over a deeply spiritual, almost mystical field. The use of gold foil reaffirms the sacred character the artist wants to confer upon these maps of intimacy.”
(Pilar Parcerisas, Itineraris 17 - three Views from Textiles)
Maps of treasures you can discover, but also those you may have lost.
Maps to navigate life’s constant evolution, between stormy oceans and calm seas.

Natural silk shangtung
21cm x 13cm
Anilines and gold foil
Natural silk shangtung & organza
21cm x 13,5cm
Anilines and gold foil
21cm x 13cm
Anilines and gold foil

Natural silk shangtung & organza
21cm x 13,5cm
Anilines and gold foil

Natural silk shangtung & organza
23cm x 14cm
Anilines and gold foil
23cm x 14cm
Anilines and gold foil

silk shangtung
21cm x 13cm
Anilines and gold foil
21cm x 13cm
Anilines and gold foil
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Kima Guitart © 2020 — Barcelona
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Kima Guitart © 2020 — Barcelona